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Life Coaching is an area that many are not familiar with.  Life Coaching is not counseling, neither is it remotely close to therapy.  SontarahLife is determined to educate individuals one at a time to truly understand what life coaching is all about.

A certified life coach is a person that is dedicated to understanding the limited mental capacity of tolerance an individual may perceive that they possess while in a otherwise frustrating situation.  A certified life coach is committed to  recommending to individuals other options, and avenues to handling their situation, by mainly asking questions related to the way the individual perceives himself in the situation.  Through these questions a life coach can meet an individual right where they are, then from there the life coach offers simple suggestions that can help a person discover solutions within themselves they otherwise neglected to explore.

Our Life Coach Michael Freeman has a powerful devotion for people in challenging situations.  A life coach that is dedicated to opening the eyes of individuals allowing them to see the power within themselves to solve or reduce many problems they may face.

Michael Freeman promotes self discovery, that he calls the "ah hah" moment... "The treasure is not misplaced just displaced and when you place the power of faith, power, and action all through perception it usually is the "key" to open the treasure, which is simply a better way to see the challenging situation, whether it be financial struggles to self talk or family and relationship communication, YOU have the power to control your life and everything in it..."

You simply have to make some time to sit in front of this powerful life coach.

Invite Mr. Freeman to speak at your next event, that involves communication, child behavior, self improvement, financial literacy.  Mr. Freeman's dynamic format of speaking will move you emotionally in all factors of challenging situations. 

"Fact: 97% of our choices are made emotionally, leaving only 3% dependent on our educational or academic knowledge..."
